Kon'nichiwa min'na!
New torrent. Soul Calibur wallpapers.
Download now!
Soul Calibur HD Video Game Wallpapers
This is my personal blog about Anime, Manga, Comics, Video Games, Music, Movies and Pop-Culture. I'm hoping this blog will get be noticed by publications as I would like to study journalism as a career. Tell all your friends! XD

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Assassin's Creed ebooks on TPB
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Just uploaded two new Assassin's Creed ebooks onto The Pirate Bay
Check out all my uploads here:
http://thepiratebay.se/user/ HACKworld/
Just uploaded two new Assassin's Creed ebooks onto The Pirate Bay
Check out all my uploads here:
Saturday, November 17, 2012
A few test torrents!
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Hey guys,
Been a while since I last posted, been way too busy with my final year exams and stuff. I thought that I would post a link to a few test torrents I have. I'm thinking of uploading a whole bunch of anime wallpapers onto ThePirateBay.se for everyone to download, but seeing as how I am new to torrents and such, I made these two test torrents. Please feel free to download, and don't forget to seed as much as you leech, that way the torrent will never die.
Here are the links:
7 Random HD Anime wallpapers
Desktop Office Wallpaper
Thanks a lot guys!
Hey guys,
Been a while since I last posted, been way too busy with my final year exams and stuff. I thought that I would post a link to a few test torrents I have. I'm thinking of uploading a whole bunch of anime wallpapers onto ThePirateBay.se for everyone to download, but seeing as how I am new to torrents and such, I made these two test torrents. Please feel free to download, and don't forget to seed as much as you leech, that way the torrent will never die.
Here are the links:
7 Random HD Anime wallpapers
Desktop Office Wallpaper
Thanks a lot guys!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
L.A. Photography
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Okay, so I have this amazing friend Alicia right, and her and her friend have started a business. And you guys all know that I wouldn't advertise someone else if they weren't amazing. So this is what she has to say:
L.A Photography is a new funky up coming business.
If you want to have your photos taken, with your loved ones, best friends or just your beautiful self, L.A Photography should be your number one choice.
With the best and affordable prices, the memories you capture can last a life time.
With young, fun photographers, you'll always have the time of your life.
L.A Photography- "A picture is worth a thousand words.. What will yours say..?"
Contact Details:
Laura-Lee- 084 873 0416
Alicia- 074 651 0643
Email Address:
Search us on FaceBook!
So that's it guys! These girls are really talented, so check them out! I'm also gonna put a permanent link to their facebook page on my blog too!
Much love guys!
Okay, so I have this amazing friend Alicia right, and her and her friend have started a business. And you guys all know that I wouldn't advertise someone else if they weren't amazing. So this is what she has to say:
L.A Photography is a new funky up coming business.
If you want to have your photos taken, with your loved ones, best friends or just your beautiful self, L.A Photography should be your number one choice.
With the best and affordable prices, the memories you capture can last a life time.
With young, fun photographers, you'll always have the time of your life.
L.A Photography- "A picture is worth a thousand words.. What will yours say..?"
Contact Details:
Laura-Lee- 084 873 0416
Alicia- 074 651 0643
Email Address:
Search us on FaceBook!
So that's it guys! These girls are really talented, so check them out! I'm also gonna put a permanent link to their facebook page on my blog too!
Much love guys!
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Review
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Hello everyone!
How is everyone doing? Right now where I am we’re experiencing some really cold weather! It even snowed for the first time in around five years. What does this cold weather mean for us? Well, it’s perfect for us gamers who love chilling in bed or on the sofa under blankets playing out favourite games.
And game I am. A while back I entered a competition on twitter with Xbox 360 South Africa, and I was one of two winners! The question was, if we were given the chance to get a download code for XBLA for the newest release Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, what would we build? I answered Nelson Mandela’s face. I won. LOL. So I got the code, got connected to the internet, and downloaded this amazing little gem of a game. I’m probably a few months late with this review, but it kinda didn’t occur to me to review this game until now.
Minecraft is an open-world sandbox game where you play as “Steve”. Now, if you’re expecting Crysis or Skyrim like graphics, you’re gravely mistaken. Minecraft is all about the blocks! Literally, there are absolutely no smooth textures anywhere; it’s all made up of cubes, the whole game. Seriously. Minecraft was originally released for PC’s in multiple alpha and beta releases; currently the PC version is 1.3. The Xbox 360 edition however was ported to C++ and thus they had to start from an earlier version. Enter Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition v1.6.6 beta. It was updated recently to a later version (v1.7.3) which brought with it a bunch of bug fixes, as well as many new items.
Now, about the items, Minecraft is essentially, as the name suggests a game in which you mine! Shock, surprise! You start every new world, which is randomly generated using seeds, with two things, yourself and a map. At this point it’s completely up to you that to do next. Before you start the world you’re given the opportunity to change the difficulty slider, you can choose Peaceful, in which there are no monsters and your health regenerates automatically, or Normal and so forth where you will have to battle with Spiders, Skeletons, Zombies and those Damned Creepers at night! Once you’ve started the game, you literally have a world at your hands with which you can create what you will. Chop down trees and get some wood, use that wood to then make wooden planks and after enough wooden planks have been created you can start building shelter. Or take a different approach and create some tools that you can use to get better items. Create a shovel to collect sand, which is then used to make glass, or craft a pickaxe which is used to mine stone. Once you have stone, you can use it to create a stone pickaxe, which is used to mine faster and better materials. There are a whole bunch of materials in Minecraft, from stone to iron ore, gold and the rarest and precious material, diamond. There is only a handful of diamond in any given world depending on the random world seed.
People from all around the world have built some amazing things in Minecraft XBLA, from Old Trafford to the Colosseum. Others have created majestic looking works of art such as the Mona Lisa. The amount of freedom that a person has in this game is astounding; you can create and craft absolutely anything that your heart desires. I’m currently working on a Pokémon project where I plan on building some buildings from the iconic games as well as some of the actual Pokémon monsters.
It’s not all fun and games however (Except that it is, haha). There is some form of action especially when it comes to the monsters. Skeletons will shoot arrows at you and Zombies will eat your brains all of which will decrease your life, represented by hearts. If your health is low, you need to regain it by killing a pig, collecting the pork chop and eating it. If you cook the pork chop first, you get more health. Pigs aren’t the only animals there are though, there are also cows which are used for leather which can then be made into armour. Chickens give you feathers which can be crafted into arrows as well as eggs which are used in the baking of bread and cake. Yes. Bread and cake. Squids give you ink sacks and sheep give you wool which can be used to create a bed to sleep in.
Mojang and 4J Studios, the creators and developers of the game, have said that the XBLA version will soon be on par with the PC version and that all future updates to the PC version will be ported to the Xbox 360. The game can be bought for 1600 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live, and it’s definitely a good decision to buy the game because it will give you hours upon hours of fun as well as an outlet to let your creativity run free!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go make coffee and carry on playing Mass Effect. Much love.
Hello everyone!
How is everyone doing? Right now where I am we’re experiencing some really cold weather! It even snowed for the first time in around five years. What does this cold weather mean for us? Well, it’s perfect for us gamers who love chilling in bed or on the sofa under blankets playing out favourite games.
And game I am. A while back I entered a competition on twitter with Xbox 360 South Africa, and I was one of two winners! The question was, if we were given the chance to get a download code for XBLA for the newest release Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, what would we build? I answered Nelson Mandela’s face. I won. LOL. So I got the code, got connected to the internet, and downloaded this amazing little gem of a game. I’m probably a few months late with this review, but it kinda didn’t occur to me to review this game until now.
Minecraft is an open-world sandbox game where you play as “Steve”. Now, if you’re expecting Crysis or Skyrim like graphics, you’re gravely mistaken. Minecraft is all about the blocks! Literally, there are absolutely no smooth textures anywhere; it’s all made up of cubes, the whole game. Seriously. Minecraft was originally released for PC’s in multiple alpha and beta releases; currently the PC version is 1.3. The Xbox 360 edition however was ported to C++ and thus they had to start from an earlier version. Enter Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition v1.6.6 beta. It was updated recently to a later version (v1.7.3) which brought with it a bunch of bug fixes, as well as many new items.
Now, about the items, Minecraft is essentially, as the name suggests a game in which you mine! Shock, surprise! You start every new world, which is randomly generated using seeds, with two things, yourself and a map. At this point it’s completely up to you that to do next. Before you start the world you’re given the opportunity to change the difficulty slider, you can choose Peaceful, in which there are no monsters and your health regenerates automatically, or Normal and so forth where you will have to battle with Spiders, Skeletons, Zombies and those Damned Creepers at night! Once you’ve started the game, you literally have a world at your hands with which you can create what you will. Chop down trees and get some wood, use that wood to then make wooden planks and after enough wooden planks have been created you can start building shelter. Or take a different approach and create some tools that you can use to get better items. Create a shovel to collect sand, which is then used to make glass, or craft a pickaxe which is used to mine stone. Once you have stone, you can use it to create a stone pickaxe, which is used to mine faster and better materials. There are a whole bunch of materials in Minecraft, from stone to iron ore, gold and the rarest and precious material, diamond. There is only a handful of diamond in any given world depending on the random world seed.
People from all around the world have built some amazing things in Minecraft XBLA, from Old Trafford to the Colosseum. Others have created majestic looking works of art such as the Mona Lisa. The amount of freedom that a person has in this game is astounding; you can create and craft absolutely anything that your heart desires. I’m currently working on a Pokémon project where I plan on building some buildings from the iconic games as well as some of the actual Pokémon monsters.
It’s not all fun and games however (Except that it is, haha). There is some form of action especially when it comes to the monsters. Skeletons will shoot arrows at you and Zombies will eat your brains all of which will decrease your life, represented by hearts. If your health is low, you need to regain it by killing a pig, collecting the pork chop and eating it. If you cook the pork chop first, you get more health. Pigs aren’t the only animals there are though, there are also cows which are used for leather which can then be made into armour. Chickens give you feathers which can be crafted into arrows as well as eggs which are used in the baking of bread and cake. Yes. Bread and cake. Squids give you ink sacks and sheep give you wool which can be used to create a bed to sleep in.
Mojang and 4J Studios, the creators and developers of the game, have said that the XBLA version will soon be on par with the PC version and that all future updates to the PC version will be ported to the Xbox 360. The game can be bought for 1600 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live, and it’s definitely a good decision to buy the game because it will give you hours upon hours of fun as well as an outlet to let your creativity run free!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go make coffee and carry on playing Mass Effect. Much love.
Friday, July 06, 2012
Another great new song!!!
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Hey everyone! Another post, LOL...
Anyway, remember that musically talented friend I told you about? Oh, you do? Well good! Cause he's back with another new song!
Download it absolutely FREE right here!!!
Remember to like his page on facebook and follow him on twitter! Updated regularly!
Links to both facebook and twitter on the left...
Show my mate some love! <3
Hey everyone! Another post, LOL...
Anyway, remember that musically talented friend I told you about? Oh, you do? Well good! Cause he's back with another new song!
Download it absolutely FREE right here!!!
Remember to like his page on facebook and follow him on twitter! Updated regularly!
Links to both facebook and twitter on the left...
Show my mate some love! <3
Black Butler Season 1 Review
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
HOLY SHIT. Almost literally. Black Butler is one strange, twisted, fuck-with-your-mind (do excuse my French, will you?) anime, it’s unexpected and absolutely random, while watching you never know what’s going to happen next.
Set sometime during the 1800’s in upper-class England, this anime revolves around the Earl Lord Ciel, a 12 year old Lord who demands the respect and fear of his family name, as well as his “Hell of a Butler” Sebastian. Ciel is an orphan, suffering the loss of his parents in a dreadful fire that claims not only the lives of both his parents, but also his home. That doesn’t keep him down though, Ciel becomes a hard, cold child, forgetting how to smile, but gaining the respect from those many years his senior, particularly the Queen Mother of England as she entrusts him to become her Royal Guard Dog, keeper of the underground crime lords.
This anime isn’t really suited for any one particular genre as it encompasses many in its 24 episodes. I think the best way to describe it would be to say that it’s a Slice of Life anime, with Supernatural, Horror and Comedic sub-genres. It’s Slice of Life because it focuses on the loss of ones parents, something many children around the world deal with on a daily basis, but it takes it to the next level with Ciel becoming vengeful and full of hatred to those responsible for killing his parents. Ah, it should be said now that Sebastian is no ordinary Butler, but in fact a Demon, entered into a contract with Ciel to protect him from al harm until such a time that the people responsible for his parents death are dead. The revenge however is somewhat of a sub-plot running concurrently with the main plot of the anime, a great battle between Good and Evil, Heaven and Hell, Angels and Demons. A twist however is that it is in fact a fallen angel causing the most damage. This is one anime where Evil defeats Good. The demon Butler prevails over his angelic counterpart for the good of England. That just shows you right there that you cannot judge a book by its cover.
Visually this anime is an epic example of how an artist can balance both light and darkness and have it mix so perfectly that it never feels as if it’s too dark and dreary or overly pronounced and “loud” as it were. The characters are all drawn amazingly, and all of them having their own specific trademark, especially noticeable with the hair. Except Tanaka, Tanaka is awesome in his own right. The sound of this anime is as if it comes directly out of the 1800’s with subtle tunes that complement the nature and art style of the anime. Not to mention the great voice acting, this is one of those anime that is best watched in the English dubbed version rather than its Japanese counterpart as the English accents really add a lot to the effect the anime tries to bring forth, from the sophisticated aristocratic accents of the Lords and Ladies to the Cockney London accents of the East-Enders.
This is definitely an amazing anime and is well worth well to watch, but I did find that one or two episodes didn’t catch my attention as much and I was left feeling a bit bored. But don’t let that stop you from watching this amazing anime and learning something from its sombre tones. I can’t wait to watch the second season and I’m going to start downloading it ASAP. You’ll notice I’m going to give it a few rating under the review, this is a new addition I’m adding to the overall reviews of Anime, Movies and Games.
Story – 90/100
Dialogue – 95/100
Animation – 98/100
Entertainment – 95/100
Overall Score – 94.5/100
Link to download:
HOLY SHIT. Almost literally. Black Butler is one strange, twisted, fuck-with-your-mind (do excuse my French, will you?) anime, it’s unexpected and absolutely random, while watching you never know what’s going to happen next.
Set sometime during the 1800’s in upper-class England, this anime revolves around the Earl Lord Ciel, a 12 year old Lord who demands the respect and fear of his family name, as well as his “Hell of a Butler” Sebastian. Ciel is an orphan, suffering the loss of his parents in a dreadful fire that claims not only the lives of both his parents, but also his home. That doesn’t keep him down though, Ciel becomes a hard, cold child, forgetting how to smile, but gaining the respect from those many years his senior, particularly the Queen Mother of England as she entrusts him to become her Royal Guard Dog, keeper of the underground crime lords.
This anime isn’t really suited for any one particular genre as it encompasses many in its 24 episodes. I think the best way to describe it would be to say that it’s a Slice of Life anime, with Supernatural, Horror and Comedic sub-genres. It’s Slice of Life because it focuses on the loss of ones parents, something many children around the world deal with on a daily basis, but it takes it to the next level with Ciel becoming vengeful and full of hatred to those responsible for killing his parents. Ah, it should be said now that Sebastian is no ordinary Butler, but in fact a Demon, entered into a contract with Ciel to protect him from al harm until such a time that the people responsible for his parents death are dead. The revenge however is somewhat of a sub-plot running concurrently with the main plot of the anime, a great battle between Good and Evil, Heaven and Hell, Angels and Demons. A twist however is that it is in fact a fallen angel causing the most damage. This is one anime where Evil defeats Good. The demon Butler prevails over his angelic counterpart for the good of England. That just shows you right there that you cannot judge a book by its cover.
Visually this anime is an epic example of how an artist can balance both light and darkness and have it mix so perfectly that it never feels as if it’s too dark and dreary or overly pronounced and “loud” as it were. The characters are all drawn amazingly, and all of them having their own specific trademark, especially noticeable with the hair. Except Tanaka, Tanaka is awesome in his own right. The sound of this anime is as if it comes directly out of the 1800’s with subtle tunes that complement the nature and art style of the anime. Not to mention the great voice acting, this is one of those anime that is best watched in the English dubbed version rather than its Japanese counterpart as the English accents really add a lot to the effect the anime tries to bring forth, from the sophisticated aristocratic accents of the Lords and Ladies to the Cockney London accents of the East-Enders.
This is definitely an amazing anime and is well worth well to watch, but I did find that one or two episodes didn’t catch my attention as much and I was left feeling a bit bored. But don’t let that stop you from watching this amazing anime and learning something from its sombre tones. I can’t wait to watch the second season and I’m going to start downloading it ASAP. You’ll notice I’m going to give it a few rating under the review, this is a new addition I’m adding to the overall reviews of Anime, Movies and Games.
Story – 90/100
Dialogue – 95/100
Animation – 98/100
Entertainment – 95/100
Overall Score – 94.5/100
Link to download:
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Kryptonian Productions
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Hey guys, so in the spirit of music I'm bringing to you the likes of Kryptonian Productions.
Dj Kryptonyt, a DJ of the likes you have never seen, bringing everyone the music they want and need!
Okay, so this guy is talented right, so why not support the guy, he's a mate of mine, and he surely will not disappoint you!
Here is the link to his first song, available free to download -» http://www.kasimp3.co.za/wap/song.php?id=2mF
He has a facebook fan page too, so give him a like @ http://www.facebook.com/kryptonianProductions
This guy is so technological advanced he even has twitter! follow him! - http://twitter.com/Dj_Kryptonyt
I've permanently put his facebook and twitter links in the Links bar to the left of this blog!
He will be posting all of the links to his new songs regularly on his facebook and twitter so keep an eye out!
Peace music lovers!
Spread the noise!
Hey guys, so in the spirit of music I'm bringing to you the likes of Kryptonian Productions.
Dj Kryptonyt, a DJ of the likes you have never seen, bringing everyone the music they want and need!
Okay, so this guy is talented right, so why not support the guy, he's a mate of mine, and he surely will not disappoint you!
Here is the link to his first song, available free to download -» http://www.kasimp3.co.za/wap/song.php?id=2mF
He has a facebook fan page too, so give him a like @ http://www.facebook.com/kryptonianProductions
This guy is so technological advanced he even has twitter! follow him! - http://twitter.com/Dj_Kryptonyt
I've permanently put his facebook and twitter links in the Links bar to the left of this blog!
He will be posting all of the links to his new songs regularly on his facebook and twitter so keep an eye out!
Peace music lovers!
Spread the noise!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Just a few links...
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Hey guys, here are a few links to things you can download and watch concerning Heroes of Newerth Online Concept Art.
37 Concept Art Pics
And a compilation video I made of all the pics on youtube
There you go guys! Be sure to like the video or leave a comment, I just love feedback!!!
Hey guys, here are a few links to things you can download and watch concerning Heroes of Newerth Online Concept Art.
37 Concept Art Pics
And a compilation video I made of all the pics on youtube
There you go guys! Be sure to like the video or leave a comment, I just love feedback!!!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Random Rant
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Okay guys, so I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog… But, I’ve been busy writing exams, and haven’t had time to watch any new series or play any new games. But exams are now over so I’m hoping to update a whole lot more. Anyway, I wrote this rant this morning after my exam, here it is word for word as I wrote it this morning.
It’s 10:00 a.m. I’m sitting in my exam hall writing my last exam for the midyear. Well, actually I finished about half an hour ago, and I’m waiting now to leave at 11:30.
As I was sitting here, folding paper hearts and colouring my exam paper in with a highlighter, I had one of those “conversations with a friend” in my head. Now, in this conversation in my head, my friend didn’t know something about another student all because he didn’t take the time to listen. Please excuse me as I rant for the next few minutes.
As I was having this conversation in my head, a thought came to me, a thought within a thought if you will. One of societies greatest problems, and threat to its existence, in my opinion is the fact that nobody listens to anyone intently enough to what that person has to say for it to have any significant impact on their life. It starts at home, children do not listen to their parents, and more importantly, parents do not listen to their children. After that it spreads like wildfire. Grownups do not listen to authority figures in the workplace, and vice versa. The worst though in my opinion is that the worlds Governments and leaders do not listen to the people of the country they are tasked with over-seeing.
If any of you reading this have watched the news over the past year, you will have noticed that a few things have happened. Osama bin Laden for one, has been killed by the American Government in a covert operation. Al Qaeda is dissipating and the world is a better place. But what of the leaders of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, and Libya, Muammar Gaddafi? These dictators have been ousted killed and removed from power. Why, you may ask? Because the people of their countries were not satisfied with the cruel and inhumane treatment they were receiving. If Egypt’s, and the other countries facing these challenges, governments had taken the time to listen to its people, the people would not have turned on them resulting in these leaders dying and/or being removed from the positions they held.
The world would be a better place if everyone could just stop what they are doing and ask someone, “Hey, how are you doing?” and then taking the time to listen to what that person has to say. A kind word and an open ear could just be what somebody needs to stop them from doing something they would regret. I am guilty of not doing this though; I don’t ask enough people if they are okay, I am a selfish human. The population is selfish, and something we should all learn is selflessness. With more people willing to listen, there would be less to shout about.
Well, it is 10:26 now, our teacher has told us that we can leave at 11:00 if everyone is finished, I hope they hurry up. I also hope you took the time to read what I had to say, and please, if you can, listen to someone in need.
[Edit] We ended up leaving the exam hall at 10:30. LOL.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
1000 VIEWS!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Hello everyone!!! How is everyone doing? My blog is doing great! For someone who is 19 years old, lives in a small city in South Africa and isn't really known around the world, I am proud to say that my personal blog has now over 1000 views. This might not seem like such a achievement, but to me it means a lot. I am so thankful for everyone's support and I promise not to disappoint you all. I would not be here if it weren't for my friends like you around the world giving me the inspiration to bring all of you my opinions ad views. I thank all of you, and please continue to check out the blog every now and then, today 1000 views, tomorrow 10000!!!
Hello everyone!!! How is everyone doing? My blog is doing great! For someone who is 19 years old, lives in a small city in South Africa and isn't really known around the world, I am proud to say that my personal blog has now over 1000 views. This might not seem like such a achievement, but to me it means a lot. I am so thankful for everyone's support and I promise not to disappoint you all. I would not be here if it weren't for my friends like you around the world giving me the inspiration to bring all of you my opinions ad views. I thank all of you, and please continue to check out the blog every now and then, today 1000 views, tomorrow 10000!!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Okay, so this isn't a real post. I'm currently on my PC in CAT at school, and I just wanted to see whether or not blogger.com is blocked or not. As I'm typing this on the PC right now it obviously isn't. AWESOME LOLOLOLOL........
Here's a potato.......
Okay, so this isn't a real post. I'm currently on my PC in CAT at school, and I just wanted to see whether or not blogger.com is blocked or not. As I'm typing this on the PC right now it obviously isn't. AWESOME LOLOLOLOL........
Here's a potato.......
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS review
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Okay guys! WOW, two posts in one day? What's going on? Well this is a review for a game that was actually for a competition in NAG Magazine, South Africa's leading Video Game lifestyle magazine. I highly doubt that I have won the competition, so I have decided to post the review here on my blog. Read it, and let me know on the ://HACKtheworld facebook page whether or not you think I deserve to win this competition. (If I do win, it will get published in the NAG June issue.)
Okay guys! WOW, two posts in one day? What's going on? Well this is a review for a game that was actually for a competition in NAG Magazine, South Africa's leading Video Game lifestyle magazine. I highly doubt that I have won the competition, so I have decided to post the review here on my blog. Read it, and let me know on the ://HACKtheworld facebook page whether or not you think I deserve to win this competition. (If I do win, it will get published in the NAG June issue.)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of those games that gamers will remember forever, especially the older folk. The problem with this title being an N64 title is that many younger gamers don’t have the chance to play older amazing games. Insert LoZ: OoT 3DS.
Less than an HD remake, and more of a port, the gameplay remains wholly similar to the original N64 version with only a few changes being made to gameplay. One of the major changes is the control and button scheme, gone are the C-buttons and added is the analogue circle pad. The touch screen inventory is a much appreciated aspect of the new 3DS version of the game, making item changes on the fly super effective (see what I did there Nintendo?).
Visually this game is as beautiful, and maybe even more so, than the original. Not only does Link and others look much smoother and less ‘blocky’ than the N64 version, but the scenery and landscapes have also had an impressive face lift. The music in game remains unchanged, which will please hardcore fans of the franchise with its stunning compositions.
As with all LoZ games story plays an imminent part of the game. And as with all LoZ games (Except a few) this iteration is no different. The story is compelling and keeps the player immersed until the end. The dungeons and puzzles are challenging and engaging at the best of times, but can be somewhat frustrating (Water Temple). Some puzzles are definitely more puzzling than others, but the feeling of accomplishment that you get after beating a Boss Battle is welcome.
After beating the game the player is given access to the Master Quest, which gives players an extra challenge. Playing the game the second time is a must, because you’re sure to miss out on a few things on your first play through, also for those who want 100% game completion a second play through is definitely needed. Another cool aspect is the Boss Challenge Mode which lets you battle all your favourite Bosses over and over again.
Review by Matthew Loom
Sticks to the original, amazing 3D graphics, challenging
Challenging, Water Temple
This is a must have for new and older fans alike. This is an excellent attempt at a remake and is well executed. This will keep newer fans intrigued and older fans of the series happy with the unchanged gameplay.
The Green Mile movie review
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Hey guys! So finally i have a new blog post for you all! It's been a while since I've posted, I hope you all haven't missed me to much. Anyway, this is a film review of the 1999 film The Green Mile. You'll notice that it isn't in my usual review format, and that's because I wrote it as a speech for my English class. Enjoy!
Hey guys! So finally i have a new blog post for you all! It's been a while since I've posted, I hope you all haven't missed me to much. Anyway, this is a film review of the 1999 film The Green Mile. You'll notice that it isn't in my usual review format, and that's because I wrote it as a speech for my English class. Enjoy!
Green Mile is a 1999 American drama adapted from the 1996 Stephen
King novel of the same name. The film is primarily portrayed using flashbacks to the past. The film tells the story of Paul's life as a death row corrections officer during the Great Depression in
the United States, and the miracles
that he witnesses thanks to an inmate John Coffey.
The story revolves around flash backs
of the character Paul Edgecomb during his time as a death row corrections
officer, he as well as the character of John Coffey, are the main characters of
the film. They are however supported by other characters such as Brutal, Pauls
best friend, and Percy, a man who can be likened to a mouse as portrayed in one
seen where Percy is styling his hair while at the same time Mr Jingles the
mouse is behind him grooming himself, a somewhat accurate comparison. Percy,
whom no one likes and who seems to like no one, lands up in the very mental
hospital as a patient where he was intending to work after John shows Paul the
truth about what happens to the girls, also a fitting judgement for Percy.
John, an inmate who has been convicted
for the rape and murder of two girls is sentenced to death, lands up on E
Blocks’ “Green Mile” and befriends the
guards save for Percy. Paul first comes to see John as harmless when John uses
his miracle gift of healing to heal Paul’s urinary infection. Throughout the
course of the film many relationships are built, and many are extended. Paul
and Brutal become even better friends because of the actions that have
happened, the group of guards come to love and care for the wrongly accused
John, and even another inmate, Del, a Frenchman, befriends a mouse. The
relationship between the Warden Hal and his wife is also worth mentioning,
although not focused much in the film. Hal has learned that his wife has a
tumour and is going through a deep internal struggle of how to tell her she is
going to die before she is eventually healed by John.
By the end of the film, we learn that
because John has given Paul some of his “Gift”, he has also granted him an
exceptionally long life. Being over the age of 100, Paul wonders to himself
when he is going to die, wishing it upon himself too. He sees his friends and
family die around him, and sees it as his punishment from God for letting one
of God’s miracles die.
One of the main topics of the film is
perhaps the evils of the world we live in. Other socio-economic topics are
briefly mentioned or portrayed in the film as well, for example the fact that
the film takes place during the Great Depression, a time when many people were
out of work and were doing the best that they could to get by. The film also
takes place in the stereotypical “Southern” states of America where racism was
commonplace and not frowned upon in the least. The supernatural or religious
topic is also present in the film, a man with the power to heal the sick and
mend the injured. Although the supernatural is not primarily what this film is
based around, it adds to the emotion the viewer feels when the unjust action of
killing John takes place.
A topic throughout the film is the evil
around the world, the character John Coffey talks about the matter in excess,
especially towards the end of the film where he is scheduled to die. John asks
to be killed, because it is a way of him being released from the curse of being
able to feel all the pain and anguish around the world.
This film is classified as a drama for
its intense emotional content and sombre tone, but that is an unfair
classification. This film has any moments that are filled with romance, action,
comedy and even the supernatural. This film being called a drama deeply
underestimates what people of different tastes can take away from watching it.
Although it is generalised as a drama it is by no means boring or monotonous,
it keeps the viewer attentive at all times.
This film is most definitely a tear
jerker of note, and is sure to bring a sparkle to the corner of your eye. It’s
a memorable telling of the injustices of the world we will in, but also of the
immense beauty and love that some of the people of the world bring to our
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Okay guys, so about to drop a bomb on you guys! As most of you know, I am a writer, I write reviews on anime and games, but not only that, I also dabble in short stories and poetry. And so today I'm going to be posting one of my newest poems entitled "Façade". I really hope you guys like it, and be gentle okay? I'm no Edgar Allen Poe. Anyway, here it is...
Façade - Matthew D. Loom
A hard husk, horrendous,
shelling the splendorous
seed within.
I'm just keeping the truth inside, trying
to make the world content without fighting, crying.
I'm not the one who's lying.
The way in which you perceive me,
is only the me you need me to be,
but the person I am is one you choose not to see.
I am a frivolous façade frequently fused
with the beliefs of me you absurdly abuse
and by the time you realise the thoughts you have used.
This façade unmasks,
like one out of casks,
like seeds blooming
into ravenous flowers looming.
No more am I here for the worlds pleasure,
bound by the ones I care for,
the ones I adore.
I'm here for me,
not to appease you, but to spend at my leisure.
Okay guys, so about to drop a bomb on you guys! As most of you know, I am a writer, I write reviews on anime and games, but not only that, I also dabble in short stories and poetry. And so today I'm going to be posting one of my newest poems entitled "Façade". I really hope you guys like it, and be gentle okay? I'm no Edgar Allen Poe. Anyway, here it is...
Façade - Matthew D. Loom
A hard husk, horrendous,
shelling the splendorous
seed within.
I'm just keeping the truth inside, trying
to make the world content without fighting, crying.
I'm not the one who's lying.
The way in which you perceive me,
is only the me you need me to be,
but the person I am is one you choose not to see.
I am a frivolous façade frequently fused
with the beliefs of me you absurdly abuse
and by the time you realise the thoughts you have used.
This façade unmasks,
like one out of casks,
like seeds blooming
into ravenous flowers looming.
No more am I here for the worlds pleasure,
bound by the ones I care for,
the ones I adore.
I'm here for me,
not to appease you, but to spend at my leisure.
Monday, April 02, 2012
Gears of War 2 review
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Gears of War 2 review by Matty~~^_^
Okay, so I just finished playing Gears of War 2 for XBOX 360, and I decided on writing a review for it. Yeah, I know that it’s a pretty old game and that GOW 3 is already out, but I only recently got my XBOX, so forgive me for the late start.
Okay, so not having played the first game (I’m a bad person, I know) I don’t know much about the whole back story of the GOW franchise and canon. Seeing as how this is a sequel, I also can’t make much of the changes between the first game and this iteration. This is looking to be an inexperienced review. LOL.
In the beginning you are given the choice of completing a tutorial or not. If you have not played the first game in the series or you are just not too familiar with third person shooters, or shooters in general, I would advise you to complete the tutorial. If however you are a hardcore shooter veteran and not a complete n00b, please feel free to jump right in. The controls can be a little hard to get used to especially if you haven’t played GOW before, but after about ten minutes of the first chapter (when you start you’re jumped right into the middle of the action) your fingers and controller will feel as if they are fused. Controlling the games main protagonist is simple enough to grasp as it’s all you ever do, you run, you shoot, you run again. Every now and then you’re given the chance at handling a turret or maybe a vehicle and there was this one time, at band camp, where you control a f*#king Brumak! Anyway, these brief tasks distract from the regular run and gun, even if only for a little while.
Speaking of running and gunning, there are a total of fifteen weapons with which you can shoot, stab, decapitate, burn or blow up the evil locusts and lambents with. All of which you will get access to pretty early in the game. The baddies are abundant however, almost unending amounts of the bastards will spawn unless you close the whole they’re coming from or pass over a certain line. The AI of the enemies is pretty well done, considering this is a cover based shooter, they know how to run and duck from your endless supply of bullets coming their way, but every so often one of them will jump out of cover and stand in the middle of the battle field making it only too easy for you to shoot him between the eyes. But don’t stand out of your own cover for too long, because those hard asses don’t stop shooting at you either, and once you’re shot down, there are no health packs which you can use to regenerate your health, you’re left to crawl to safety and wait for one of your AI companions to come and save your ass. This honestly can be a problem now and then because your AI friend will either ignore your pleas for help or be too far away from you to help, in which case you will bleed to death. No one said this was a happy game.
Story wise, this game doesn’t really have any faults. It’s action packed from start to finish and there are no long, tedious, I-want-to-punch-my-T.V. cut scenes, nor are there any major load times, provided you’ve installed the game to your HDD. The dialogue between the characters is quirky mostly because of the various types of characters there are in the game, there’s the tough and rugged army sergeant all the way up to a hillbilly, truck driving commando. Besides the fact that each character is different in demeanour and personality, the voice cast is robust and suits the characters well.
I don’t really like giving a game a numerical value when it comes to rating, but I would probably give this game about 85 out of 100, as there’s not much wrong with it save for a longer campaign maybe. All in all this is a really good game and is definitely one that should be played. I can’t wait to get my hands on GOW 3.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Top 45 Geek wallpapers!
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Okay guys, so I know we all love free stuff, and because I don't really have anything valuable to give away I figured I'd post the 45 geekiest wallpapers ever. Please note that none of these wallpapers were designed by me, and all credit goes to the artists themselves.
I'm sure you all know how to download pictures on your respected devices, but if you don't comment and I'll tell you how.
Hope everyone enjoys all the awesome wallpapers!
Oh, and I'll be fixing the facebook side bar now too. XD
Always remember to ://HACKtheworld
Okay guys, so I know we all love free stuff, and because I don't really have anything valuable to give away I figured I'd post the 45 geekiest wallpapers ever. Please note that none of these wallpapers were designed by me, and all credit goes to the artists themselves.
I'm sure you all know how to download pictures on your respected devices, but if you don't comment and I'll tell you how.
Hope everyone enjoys all the awesome wallpapers!
Oh, and I'll be fixing the facebook side bar now too. XD
Always remember to ://HACKtheworld
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