Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Okay guys, so I know we all love free stuff, and because I don't really have anything valuable to give away I figured I'd post the 45 geekiest wallpapers ever. Please note that none of these wallpapers were designed by me, and all credit goes to the artists themselves.
I'm sure you all know how to download pictures on your respected devices, but if you don't comment and I'll tell you how.
Hope everyone enjoys all the awesome wallpapers!
Oh, and I'll be fixing the facebook side bar now too. XD
Always remember to ://HACKtheworld
This is my personal blog about Anime, Manga, Comics, Video Games, Music, Movies and Pop-Culture. I'm hoping this blog will get be noticed by publications as I would like to study journalism as a career. Tell all your friends! XD

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Is money the root of all evil? An essay by Matty~~
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Is money the root of all evil?
“1 Timothy 6:10 – For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
That is of course a passage out of the New King James Version of the Bible, but what does that passage tell us of the root of all evil? It speaks of the love that we, as humans, have for money and of the greediness that we have in our hearts when it comes to wanting more than what is needed. It also talks about the sorrows that a person bestows upon themselves when they give in to said greed. It is true that, without money we would struggle to survive day to day, we need nourishment, sustenance and basic goods such as food and drink.
A poor man can live out his days with the minimal amount of money and be content to have his friends and family, but what of a man who has endless riches? A man with a bank account that seems to never run dry, is he happier than the poor man, or is he in a deeper state of unhappiness and misery?
Yes, he has the money, the cars, the houses and the stature of being a top businessman, but when he uses his money and power to corrupt others, and to trod upon those who have less only because he seeks to enrich himself further, is he not then an evil man?
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…” This is a quotation of Lord Acton’s letter to Mandell Creighton from 1887. What gives men power, that is simple enough to answer, money. Money gives men power, and when men have power, they are seldom to not use it.
What of corruption? Corrupt policemen for example, will stop you on the road and demand a bribe, bribe in this case is just a nice word for money. Corrupt government officials also, because of greed, pocket millions and in turn damage communities. Because one Minister is pocketing money, one hospital is not receiving their medicine. Because one Mayor is holding back some money for himself, three schools are not getting repaired. There again, are reasons that prove that money causes acts of deceit and evil.
Dictators use their power and money to oppress their people. Warlords use their money to buy weapons to injure, and kill, hundreds of innocent lives. Business corporations who are renowned around the world use their money and influence to bully, for lack of a better word, the minority businesses. These are all acts of evil, yes, a business takeover is not on the same level as the murdering of lives, but that small business owner now needs to find another way of feeding his family.
Money is used as a tool by many to get what they want, when they want it, no matter the consequence. Another aspect to consider is this, is the lack of money not the true root of all evil? I don’t think so; a person can not have money, and be happy. A person who has money in abundance only seeks to gain more. A person would then likely say “What of crime? People do not have money so they resort to stealing.”
People who steal are not evil people, they re people like you and me, just far more desperate. Thieves can get jobs and work, but a rich man can’t forgo his riches. Greed, one of the seven cardinal sins of man. Sin, an act of evil. On the most basic level, money in itself is not the root of all evil. It is an inanimate object, paper with printed numbers on. Money is however the instigator of all evil. It is because of money that people do what they do.
It is clear to me, that had the invention of money not been considered in the first place, the world would be free of evil. Not all evil of course, as money does not force man to rape, but the world would sure be a happier place.
Is money the root of all evil?
“1 Timothy 6:10 – For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
That is of course a passage out of the New King James Version of the Bible, but what does that passage tell us of the root of all evil? It speaks of the love that we, as humans, have for money and of the greediness that we have in our hearts when it comes to wanting more than what is needed. It also talks about the sorrows that a person bestows upon themselves when they give in to said greed. It is true that, without money we would struggle to survive day to day, we need nourishment, sustenance and basic goods such as food and drink.
A poor man can live out his days with the minimal amount of money and be content to have his friends and family, but what of a man who has endless riches? A man with a bank account that seems to never run dry, is he happier than the poor man, or is he in a deeper state of unhappiness and misery?
Yes, he has the money, the cars, the houses and the stature of being a top businessman, but when he uses his money and power to corrupt others, and to trod upon those who have less only because he seeks to enrich himself further, is he not then an evil man?
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…” This is a quotation of Lord Acton’s letter to Mandell Creighton from 1887. What gives men power, that is simple enough to answer, money. Money gives men power, and when men have power, they are seldom to not use it.
What of corruption? Corrupt policemen for example, will stop you on the road and demand a bribe, bribe in this case is just a nice word for money. Corrupt government officials also, because of greed, pocket millions and in turn damage communities. Because one Minister is pocketing money, one hospital is not receiving their medicine. Because one Mayor is holding back some money for himself, three schools are not getting repaired. There again, are reasons that prove that money causes acts of deceit and evil.
Dictators use their power and money to oppress their people. Warlords use their money to buy weapons to injure, and kill, hundreds of innocent lives. Business corporations who are renowned around the world use their money and influence to bully, for lack of a better word, the minority businesses. These are all acts of evil, yes, a business takeover is not on the same level as the murdering of lives, but that small business owner now needs to find another way of feeding his family.
Money is used as a tool by many to get what they want, when they want it, no matter the consequence. Another aspect to consider is this, is the lack of money not the true root of all evil? I don’t think so; a person can not have money, and be happy. A person who has money in abundance only seeks to gain more. A person would then likely say “What of crime? People do not have money so they resort to stealing.”
People who steal are not evil people, they re people like you and me, just far more desperate. Thieves can get jobs and work, but a rich man can’t forgo his riches. Greed, one of the seven cardinal sins of man. Sin, an act of evil. On the most basic level, money in itself is not the root of all evil. It is an inanimate object, paper with printed numbers on. Money is however the instigator of all evil. It is because of money that people do what they do.
It is clear to me, that had the invention of money not been considered in the first place, the world would be free of evil. Not all evil of course, as money does not force man to rape, but the world would sure be a happier place.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
://HACKtheworld Blog to IGN Blog
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Hey Hey Hey fellow Gamers!!!
Please check out my blog HERE all about anime, movies, video games and Japanese Culture!!!
I will be linking all my future ://HACKtheworld posts to my IGN blog too!
Hey Hey Hey fellow Gamers!!!
Please check out my blog HERE all about anime, movies, video games and Japanese Culture!!!
I will be linking all my future ://HACKtheworld posts to my IGN blog too!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
5 Centimeters Per Second anime review for anime-access.com by Matty~~
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
Okay, this is the first time I’ll be reviewing an anime movie of this genre, so please bare with me if I seem a little obscure and judgemental. But I guess as a reviewer that’s what I’m meant to do.
So 5 Centimeters Per Second is a romantic, slice-of-life, drama anime which tells the diverse love stories of a group of people. Without going into too much plot detail, the film is split into three short stories, all based on 3 different stages of life and the challenges of love that come with being that age.
The first story is that of puppy love. A boy and girl who are best friends but are unknowingly in love with each other.
The second story is the classic love triangle. The boy and girl who are in love are separated by distance yet their love doesn’t fade. However, another girl is also in love with the boy.
The last story, and the shortest of them all being only 5 to 8 minutes long shows us the different outcomes of the characters lives. All superbly variant.
The film being set in three short stories most definitely adds another element, as you get to see hw the characters have grown and developed around their environments.
Animation wise this is a great looking anime, themed around the different seasons, summer, spring, winter and autumn, the colour styles are picked up beautifully depending on the current season. Bright and sharp colours are used for summer and spring, while colder, harder colours are used to portray winter and autumn.
The dialogue, well, there isn’t much of it to be perfectly honest. Most of what is being said is either a memory or a thought. If you are absolutely against anything even slightly sad, don’t bother watching this film as the dialogue is slow and sombre. This film speaks to us about the harsh realities of love, and does nothing to soften the notion that love does in fact hurt.
Special credit should be given to those who composed the score for this film, it has had some of the best Japanese music I have heard to date. The music in this film, especially the last song in particular is enough to make you tear up, no matter how much of a rugged Hells Angel biker you are. If the music doesn’t affect you, you have no soul.
Overall this isn’t the best anime film ever produced, it’s slow, sombre, sad, and if you have just come out of a relationship, or are currently in love with someone who might not feel the same way, or maybe it’s just a matter of distance, this film will either inspire you to change something about it, or depress you.
Review by Matty~~ ^^, for anime-access.com
Download link here -» http://anime-access.com/anime/0/5_centimeters_per_second_(Movie)
Okay, this is the first time I’ll be reviewing an anime movie of this genre, so please bare with me if I seem a little obscure and judgemental. But I guess as a reviewer that’s what I’m meant to do.
So 5 Centimeters Per Second is a romantic, slice-of-life, drama anime which tells the diverse love stories of a group of people. Without going into too much plot detail, the film is split into three short stories, all based on 3 different stages of life and the challenges of love that come with being that age.
The first story is that of puppy love. A boy and girl who are best friends but are unknowingly in love with each other.
The second story is the classic love triangle. The boy and girl who are in love are separated by distance yet their love doesn’t fade. However, another girl is also in love with the boy.
The last story, and the shortest of them all being only 5 to 8 minutes long shows us the different outcomes of the characters lives. All superbly variant.
The film being set in three short stories most definitely adds another element, as you get to see hw the characters have grown and developed around their environments.
Animation wise this is a great looking anime, themed around the different seasons, summer, spring, winter and autumn, the colour styles are picked up beautifully depending on the current season. Bright and sharp colours are used for summer and spring, while colder, harder colours are used to portray winter and autumn.
The dialogue, well, there isn’t much of it to be perfectly honest. Most of what is being said is either a memory or a thought. If you are absolutely against anything even slightly sad, don’t bother watching this film as the dialogue is slow and sombre. This film speaks to us about the harsh realities of love, and does nothing to soften the notion that love does in fact hurt.
Special credit should be given to those who composed the score for this film, it has had some of the best Japanese music I have heard to date. The music in this film, especially the last song in particular is enough to make you tear up, no matter how much of a rugged Hells Angel biker you are. If the music doesn’t affect you, you have no soul.
Overall this isn’t the best anime film ever produced, it’s slow, sombre, sad, and if you have just come out of a relationship, or are currently in love with someone who might not feel the same way, or maybe it’s just a matter of distance, this film will either inspire you to change something about it, or depress you.
Review by Matty~~ ^^, for anime-access.com
Download link here -» http://anime-access.com/anime/0/5_centimeters_per_second_(Movie)
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Black Cat review by Matty~~^^, for anime-access.com
Kon'nichiwa min'na!
One word. Three letters. All uppercase. Three punctuation marks. WOW!!!.
This 24 episode anime is without words, what I mean by that is no review or write up or blurb can describe this anime. The only way you can truly appreciate this great anime is by watching all 24 episodes. Do it in one night if you have to, but if you’d like to savour the awesomeness that is this show then it’s best left to perhaps two or three episodes a day.
Okay, so back to the anime, I will not be going into any plot description as that is for all you awesome anime lovers to find out as you watch it. Firstly, the story, without giving too much away it must be said that this show definitely keeps you entertained through all 24 episodes, not once does the story become stale or monotonous and it doesn’t have anything that really distracts you too much. There are a few character side plots, but those are just as interesting to watch as the main story line.
The dialogue is another great component of this anime, it has just enough variety in what is being said to keep it interesting but not over the top tone changes. The drunk guy is especially funny when he rambles on like an idiot.
Action sequences are straight from a Michael Bay film, that is, they are amazing. There are so many different forms of fighting from gunplay to martial arts, to sword fighting to anamorphic kicking ass with pony tails. It’s not constant action though, there are one or two episodes that are calm and serve to describe incidents in the past, or memories. The last episode in particular is quite confusing, but I’ll leave that for everyone to decide on their own.
Animation wise, this anime is superb and straight off of the top shelf. The art is smooth and clean throughout the entire series and is greatly exaggerated by the mesmeric use of colours. One episode everything is as it should look, the next dark colour tones accentuate the dark underlying of the story.
Over all this is definitely an anime to get your hands on, with everything said about this anime I think it really deserved 30 – 36 episodes because it’s just that great!
Review by Matty~~ ^^, for anime-access.com
Here's the link to download the anime episodes (requires registration, but absolutely free!)
This 24 episode anime is without words, what I mean by that is no review or write up or blurb can describe this anime. The only way you can truly appreciate this great anime is by watching all 24 episodes. Do it in one night if you have to, but if you’d like to savour the awesomeness that is this show then it’s best left to perhaps two or three episodes a day.
Okay, so back to the anime, I will not be going into any plot description as that is for all you awesome anime lovers to find out as you watch it. Firstly, the story, without giving too much away it must be said that this show definitely keeps you entertained through all 24 episodes, not once does the story become stale or monotonous and it doesn’t have anything that really distracts you too much. There are a few character side plots, but those are just as interesting to watch as the main story line.
The dialogue is another great component of this anime, it has just enough variety in what is being said to keep it interesting but not over the top tone changes. The drunk guy is especially funny when he rambles on like an idiot.
Action sequences are straight from a Michael Bay film, that is, they are amazing. There are so many different forms of fighting from gunplay to martial arts, to sword fighting to anamorphic kicking ass with pony tails. It’s not constant action though, there are one or two episodes that are calm and serve to describe incidents in the past, or memories. The last episode in particular is quite confusing, but I’ll leave that for everyone to decide on their own.
Animation wise, this anime is superb and straight off of the top shelf. The art is smooth and clean throughout the entire series and is greatly exaggerated by the mesmeric use of colours. One episode everything is as it should look, the next dark colour tones accentuate the dark underlying of the story.
Over all this is definitely an anime to get your hands on, with everything said about this anime I think it really deserved 30 – 36 episodes because it’s just that great!
Review by Matty~~ ^^, for anime-access.com
Here's the link to download the anime episodes (requires registration, but absolutely free!)
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